Monday, June 6, 2016

Galaxy Waterfall - Sal's Notes (Contains Spoilers)

        Hello, my name is Sal. I'm the author of Galaxy Waterfall. Here I explain in greater detail some concepts that will help you have a better foundation for the story. Let's start at the top.
        There is the natural realm, right? (what seems natural to us). However, existence goes beyond the natural into the supernatural (what is supernatural to us). The supernatural geometry is overlaid exactly over the geometry of the natural. (At least we can think of it this way because our perspective)
        So that means that a structure in the natural (a school for example) might correspond to something in the supernatural. The natural is not merely effected by the supernatural. It's actually all one game. The line that is drawn between natural and supernatural is the line where our sight stops. However, there is no such line. It's just a gradual acceleration of more powerful dimensions (sometimes called levels). (What we are used to seeing is all on the side of the least powerful dimensions). (Keep in mind though that the angels can't see everything. Their natural realm goes much farther than ours, but they have a supernatural realm too where their sight stops. So, in fact, there is a line for them too). (Another note: In my school we use the term “upperworld” to mean the supernatural. upperworld=supernatural.)
        Now I'm going to explain heaven and hell. I want to put three different places in your mind. All three of these place exist in the our natural reality. Ready? First, there is place on which we live (the grass, the buildings, the trees). Second, there is up further and further in the air (space, the stars, planets, ect. Who knows how far it goes or what's out there). Third, there is what exists buried in the planets. (rock? Caverns? Lava?) Currently, we have access to the first, and we are denied access to the other two. Remember I said, the upperworld's geometry is overlaid directly over the geometry of the lowerworld? This is true for all three of these places too. The upperworld that corresponds to outer space is what you might refer to as “heaven.” The upperworld that corresponds to what is buried in our planets is what you might refer to as “hell.” The upperworld that corresponds to the place where we walk is often where you'll find angel's (from heaven) and demons (from hell) battling over the minds and souls of our race. That's painfully simplifying it because there are so many different species of angels and demons that all have different motives, and further there's a lot of gray area that exists when discussing supernatural beings (we define angels as any being higher than us and for us, and demons as any being higher than us and against us, but there is a gray area between). Angels and demons can die, but they come right back unlike us. The reason heaven and hell are significant is because its everything we fight for. Simply enough, we desire heaven personally and for others. Our greatest fear is hell.
        Now to explain death. There are misconceptions about death too. Death is occurs by the failure of our supernatural bodies--not our natural bodies. I'll get into that next. The consequence of death is that it gives a soul access to certain parts of existence and denies access to other. Also death greatly increases our height of upperworld level. Death is irreversible. Obviously, one of the main ways that death effects us is that it can cause a separation between souls.
        Now to explain the concept we call “waking.” A being who is at a higher supernatrual perspective than another can in theory “pull” a less supernaturally aware being towards a higher supernatrual perspective in a process called “waking.” So, an angel can pull one of us higher into the supernatural. This can be a long hard process depending on how far they want to pull. Remember, I said that the upperworld is overlaid on the groundworld. This is true for even ourselves. It's kind of like I have a shadow of supernatural ghosts that trail off deeper in the upperworld, but I can only control as high as I'm quickened. A column of me that shoots straight up through all the upperworld dimensions. I can only consciously control myself so high, but after that I can still be effected by others who are that high. This explains why the students we meet say gibberish, and why what happens to them effects them in all dimensions including the lower one they are aware of.
        So, that's a basic introduction to all of existence as we see it in the Alma. So with that as a foundation let's move into how my school fits in. The legend goes that there was a certain demon called by the name of Alkador who held great power and skill. Alkador was one of the most ruthless and terrible demons in all of the worlds. He had a great mind for understanding the psychology of children of our race, and he used it to torture them by building environments that denied them the things that were most vital to them. As the story goes Alkador and his legion were roaming the settlement when they found a shining sapphire bright like the reflection of sunlight on water and blue like the sky. They located 8 more such sapphires totaling to 9. The sapphires had a spell on them that gave the holder great power. Alkador knew that these sapphires were the key that would make his dreams come true and allow him to destroy possibly hundreds of children if he played it right, but he would need to find the best environment to unleash their power. He choose to build an academy on the far east side of the settlement. He choose this location because he wanted his permanent dwelling to be by a certain waterfall that the angels call Galaxy Waterfall. He knew that if he could establish a stronghold over the area using the academy he could also have power over the famous waterfall giving him almost unlimited power. The waterfall has high value in supernatural realm. You'd have to see it to believe it. It's dimension is higher than time and death.
        Alkador's endeavors with the school were very successful. Further, in not long a town started to rise up around the academy. It was the only school around and parents eagerly sent their children even from far away so they could get an education. But it was a devil's trap just as most schools are to some degree. The angels wouldn't have been able to combat this disaster if it wasn't for one named Selah, an angel of very renowned capability. He was known for his leadership and his success in pushing back the enemy pulling souls out of the pit of hell against sizable odds. But warring Alkador would be his biggest challenge yet. He would have to force the sapphires from Alkador's hand. It gets interesting because Alkador couldn't just hang on to the sapphires. He learned he would be unable to keep the sapphires in his grasp forever. No one would have enough force to maintain possession of them because they desire to return to their ground-level state once a year in the heat of the summer. Selah wanted to take this opportunity to steal the sapphires and use them to combat Alkador. So, whoever ended up with the majority of the sapphires at the end of the year would have greater power over the children. If you're lost I'll condense and summarize for you. Basically, in the summertime the sapphires return to ground state, and around the time school is in session again the battle is on over control of the sapphires. The battle usually lasts the whole school year. Whoever has the majority of sapphires has power over the children.
        Now let me explain where my race and the students at my school come into this battle. Angels, Demons, ect, sometimes decide it suits their purposes to “quicken” one of us, because we have access that they don't have. We have access to fellow students in ways that they do not. Actually, after the first year, most of the waking has been done from one student to another fellow student. I was quickened by Simeon. In my school the collective force of current students who are in Selah's camp are titled “Alma.” The collective force of current students who are in Alkador's camp are titled “Darma.”
        Everyone is curious about time travel. It's a rather menial thing as time fades away at the higher dimensions. However, Selah tries to keep students in the Alma moving at uninterrupted time as much as possible. Still sometimes the deep involvement in the upperworld as the Alma entails forces a manipulation. For example, Selah values and requires team meetings especially for the sake of younger members. Such meetings are not in anyway possible in the normal timeline. Aside from the heightened security concerns, it would risk arousing suspicion as the acquaintances of the students in the meetings would get very curious where the students were disappearing to. Though this could be covered up with reactions of course, but it is easier have the students pass into a state in which they have lose no time or actually a very small number of seconds technically. This is the most that younger members can expect to play with their timeline, but I have reason to believe that a few veterans have gone further and dove into things of which I'm sure I don't even have the starting concept.

He's an 8th grader at Waterfall Academy, and is a recruit to the Angel's team.

She's a 7th grader at Waterfall Academy, and is a recruit to the Angel's team.

Adam Dinch
He's the principle at Waterfall Academy

She's a senior at Waterfall Academy, and one of the most veteran students on the Angel's team.
She was awakened in 3rd grade by Alkador who she served for three years. In the fourth year she attempted to commit suicide using a train, but her older brother Daniel Brigsbe (who earlier attempted to murder Joseph Careheart in his house) stopped her from ending her life and apparently ended his. Their middle sibling Nathan Brigsbe ran into Daniel in the afterlife after he and three of his roommates stumbled upon a strange locked door that someone seemed to be knocking on from the inside.

He's a sophomore at Waterfall Academy, and fights for the Angel's team.

She's a freshmen at Waterfall Academy, and is a talented second year fighter for Team Angel.
She and her brother were new recruits to Team Angel in year nine and trained under Simeon, the student captain. Madeline was an 8th grader and her brother was a freshman. They both caught on extremely quick for new recruits and became effective, as they helped their team strive towards a sure win, but things turned sour when Madeline's brother started getting a little reckless with his ideas. Tragically, Alkador took advantage of him, and her brother was on the verge of wrecking the entire team's efforts. Her brother sacrificed himself so that the angels could capture the final Sapphire to try to make up for his huge mistake. They thought that Aklador would kill him, but he never turned up in heaven. This causes Madeline and everyone to assume that Aklador choose not to kill him knowing that this would just send him to heaven. It is thought that Madeline's brother lives a miserable existence in Aklador's dungeon. Madeline and Team Angel are eager to make their annual journey to the gates of Aklador's castle to see if they might find him while they are there.

I'm the narrator of the story, and a student at Waterfall Academy.
Being very inspired by the events of in year 10, Sal set out to write and narrate the story with the help of Sadier to make sure that it was accurate and did justice. Sal doesn't reveal much about himself...

He's the leader of the demons who terrorize Waterfall Academy.

He's a senior at Waterfall Academy and is the most veteran student on the Angel's team and the student captain.

He's a senior at Waterfall Academy is one of the most veteran student on Team Angel.

He's a demon captain above Alkador who has who jurisdiction includes our school.

She's a junior at Waterfall Academy and specializes as a medic on Team Angel jumping around to wherever she is needed.
Ali Jentley is the cousin of Calvin and Solana Jentley whose father worked for a big power plant called Woodbell Power Industry founded by Alfred Woodbell. Upon the founder's death, Glue, who had been working for the company took over. Solana also got involved in the dreams and even became acquainted and worked with Joseph and Hannah Careheart in the early work at Waterfall Academy before Solana was killed by a demon.

Definition: X
Conversation: X

Joseph Careheart
A legendary Angel student captain
When Selah looked over the incoming students at Waterfall Academy in that first year to see who he might first awaken to help him do his tasks the decision was easy. Joseph had a powerful morality, confidence, and comforting nature about him. Though Abel was the first student captain as a senior, Joseph took the reigns the following year becoming the 2nd year Angel student captain as a sophomore. He captained as a sophomore, junior and senior as the Angel's turned around Waterfall Academy winning all three years. Much of this was due to Joseph's humble but deft nature at influencing students in and out of the supernatural realm. He is clearly the greatest student to be involved in the supernatural at the academy. He wrote the “book” that students on both sides have studied every year since. His senior year an attempt was made at his life in the nature by an outlaw named Daniel Brigsbe. Then in the summer following his graduation while deep in a supernatural mission involving his brother, Ruby, Joseph was destroyed in combat with Gar himself. Gar had decided he must put an end to the hero, but Joseph put up a valiant fight before parishing. It was bittersweet as the Angels seemed overjoyed to have him working in heaven though Hannah cried much. Joseph surely still intercedes for his Waterfall Academy.

Hannah Careheart
Joseph's sister, and legend as the second person to be quickened at the school.
Hannah was the second student to be awakened by Selah (or Joseph depending on how you look at it). She was awakened in that first year of Waterfall Academy when in just 1st grade, and at an age of seven-years old, a record that stands. She continued to assist Joseph working as a medic. After Joseph's death when she had just finished 4th grade she took on much more responsibility. In the final stages of the sixth year the student captain of the angels and Hannah's sister, Jenifer, fought a brutal battle against the student captain of the demons and her brother, Ruby. Ruby pursued Hannah and struck her with a fatal wound, but the Angels soon closed in around them winning the battle. Jennifer defeated Ruby in combat and was about to kill him when Hannah made her stop. Hannah who possessed a share of Joseph's powerful influence was in her dying breaths able to finally melt her wicked brother's heart saving Ruby's eternal life. Ruby died before the next school year because he was unable to loose himself from Alkador who killed him. Jennifer is thought to still dwell on Tara by herself in some rainforest, but she is usually so deep into the supernatural that it is impossible to find her. They call her the good witch.

Waterfall Academy
It's the K-12 school on the far east side of Tara.
Waterfall Academy was founded by Adam Dinch, and nine years prior to the beginning of the story.

Galaxy Waterfall
It's a waterfall near the academy
There's a brook that flows just south of the academy, and there's a spot within eye-shot of the parking lot where the brook falls over some rocks a few feet. It's a beautiful place. It's said that the school got its name because its founder and principle Adam Dinch said that the waterfall sparkled so gorgeously in the sunlight that it looked like a galaxy. So, he wanted to build the school next to it. That's the story anyway...

These nine stones give the holder great power over their adversary
In 1994, A man named Hal put a spell on them. This was partly an accident and partly an experiment. The sapphires exist in the supernatural. In 1994 when Switceyland was still very much tumultuous, an angel who helped protect western Switceyland and still does to this day named Athore cast them to Tara in before it was discovered in 2003. The angel did this to keep the demons from discovering and using them hoping that when they were rediscovered the angels would be more ready.

Something like scales cover student eyes in the supernatural filtering what they see.
It takes one many months to realize that they even are wearing scales. The scales are devised by angels for the student's own protection. It is plainly known that students on Team Demon don't wear scales, but see everything as unfiltered. Scales making everything dimmer so to speak, less beautiful, though to the students the things they see are mind blowing. The scales filter things that Selah and his authorities don't want students to see (yet). The students are told not to remove the scales, but since it is an easy job to do it becomes a constant temptation to see what you're missing.

Reactions are complex, powerful tools that both camps used to effect the student's mind and emotions. Reactions are fashioned far away and shipped to the front lines. Many reactions are custom ordered for certain students at a certain place in the time line. Reaction are cloud like in form, and can only be seen in higher dimensions. Reactions can be classified into 7 main types:
Alpha: This versatile all-purpose reaction is great for any situation. It can be short-term or long-term.
Beta: This long-term reaction if it lands can stick with a student for many years, but it is less powerful.
Gamma: This powerful short-term reaction is popular for effecting the students in higher dimensions as they sleep, but is sometimes used in the ground level dimension as well.
Delta: This reaction is used to dissolve another reactions though sometimes the angels put something inside them for the students in case it hits them.
Theta: This short-term reaction is specialized for boys.
Sigma: This short-term reaction is specialized for girls.
Omicron: This long-term reaction is almost limitless in power to manipulate most any being in the galaxy if deployed skillfully. Each camp only receives two or three per year, so their deployment is considered carefully. Usually they will be used to capture something highly desired like unexpectedly capturing a Sapphire that the other camp thought they had locked away, or unexpectedly changing destiny to save or destroy a student.

The Next
I don't like to say The End. I like to say The Next. I worked with Sadier over the summer to write the story of year 10 at Waterfall Academy. However, from the start he made it clear that he didn't want me to publish the book I had written, and I was fine with that. It was to be for future generations. However, Saider told me that if ever he passed into the world of stars he would allow me to publish the book. It is the summer following the 14th year of Waterfall Academy. Sadier and the Alma took the castle in may. However, very similar to Joseph, this victory didn't come without retaliation. A few weeks ago Priscilla found that the car Sadier had been driving had been pushed by Gar off the road into a giant oak tree. So, I have permission to publish this book now because Sadier is dead. Sadier is home.

Galaxy Waterfall - Bloopers

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Galaxy Waterfall Episode 8 - Starpools (See You in the Stars)

        Do you see a shadow moving in the night? He carves a path through the fog. In the cool air, the wet grass, as the sky prepares to break into morning. A shadow is moving. A shadow is running. He runs with a vicious stride, and desperate countenance. Frenzy and fear. Do you see it? A second shadow. His stride equally as vicious and countenance equally as desperate. It's a chase. He's gaining. He's closing. He reaches for him and they fall in the grass. There's a struggle on the ground. Now silence.
        “I want to be alone,” Saider said catching his breath. “Leave me alone, Adrian. Why'd you follow me out here.”
        “You don't want to be alone,” Adrian replied. “You came here on purpose. You didn't deceive me. I know why you're here. There are bones off that ledge. The bones of the brokenhearted. Of those who gave up. You came here to give up.”
        “That's ridiculous,” Sadier answered. “I just want to be alone. Leave me please. Your presence is painful to me.”
        “I won't leave you,” Adrian replied.
        Billowing clouds became visible as darkness turned into dusk. The birds started singing melodies. The fog grew thinner and dissolved away. There were woods to the south. A prairie as far as the eye could see to the north and west. And a sharp cliff and an abyss to the east. Adrian sat clutching Sadier's wrist tightly as Sadier lay on the ground. The entirety of Sadier's eye was black. Darkness seeped from his form. Several times Adrian was nearly overwhelmed by it a powerfully uncomfortable feeling sweeping over him, but every time he would recollect himself and clench his teeth until it passed.
        Suddenly Adrian felt the warm presence of Selah who was approaching slowly from behind. Adrian sighed in relief feeling his emotions begin to realign. Selah walked in front of them and sighed looking down at Sadier with an expression that was part thoughtful and part compassionate.
        “How dare you, Mr. Bradely,” Sadier growled.
        Selah reached into his coat and moved cautiously towards Sadier. He pulled out two cuffs connected by a rope. He put a hand on Sadier's forehead and said a peaceful spell so that Sadier wouldn't struggle. Then he locked one of the cuffs to Sadier's right wrist and the other to Adrian's left. Sadier had 6 feet of leash. The edge of the cliff was about 40 feet away. All Adrian had to do now was sit because he was significantly bigger than Sadier.
        Selah put a hand on Adrian's knee and then he rose. “I'll be back,” he said. “Abigail is here though.” A blue truck was rumbling to a stop behind them. Selah went to Abigail and said something to her. Then he departed. Abigail sat in front of Adrian and Sadier with her legs bent and her hands folded on her knees. She gazed off into the vast prairie her yellow hair drifting in the wind a tragic expression in her green eyes. Adrian looked down at the ground and pulled blades of grass with his free hand. Sadier wore a glassy look as his black eyes stared into nothing. But his muscles relaxed just a bit when Abigail arrived. Not a word was said by anyone as the sun slowly peeked over the horizon sending out gloriously colorful streaks of red and orange.
        Finally, Abigail sighed softly and looked at Sadier intently for several minutes. She moved towards him and put a finger on his chest saying, “Listen to me.” He put up a fuss at her touching him. She said “Listen to me” 5 more times until he finally stopped squirming. When he was still she said the words her brother had said to her as the train was rushing over their heads. “Don't give up.” She stared into his eyes dramatically until he finally looked down.
        “I don't care,” Sadier replied.
        “I know,” Abigail answered. “And you know, I know,” she said. “But if jump off the ledge you will fall and you will hit the bottom and you will sink into the earth and never return. You will never see another day. You will never see her again.”
        There was silence for a long time again. After about a half hour a wiry figure approached from the west. He walked a little squirrely his hands in his blue jeens. It was Lachish.
        He joined them but didn't say anything. He stood gazing at the sky beyond the cliff his back to Sadier. Eventually he spoke, “You're going to see her again. It may be years, but I promise you, the day will come when you will rise to the clouds and she will be there waiting. Her eyes will be teary, and she will say 'I missed you.' And she will hug you. And this heartache will melt away.” Then Lachish turned and squatted down in front of Sadier and said, “Don't throw your life away. Invest in the forever. Live for the day you die.” Then he rose and started walking in the direction from which he came his hands back in his pockets. They were uncharacteristically uplifting words from the student captain who was very reserved in most cases, broken and trying to mend from his tumultuous past.
        Next to come rising over the prairie were Wendy and Ethan. Abigail frowned as she recognized them. The new recruits from the Green Team were not who she had anticipated would visit next, and she was worried they had come on their own accord.
        “Sadier, I'm so sorry,” Wendy said hurrying up to the trio. “It's going to be alright. She's in a better place now. She's alright, and you're going to be alright too.” She went to her knees and hugged him. Sadier erupted like a volcano, and lashed out at Wendy verbally and physically attacking her. Wendy screamed and backed away. Ethan tried to calm her as she held her arm tenderly and looked at Sadier with confusion and sadness in her soft blue eyes.
        A few moments later a van bounced towards them and parked next to Abigail's truck. Selah and Reuben got out and started making their way towards Sadier. Wendy went to Selah and said, “He attacked me.”
        “There's a cherry plant activated inside him,” Selah replied quietly. “I'm sorry he hurt you. Why don't you radio Riley and have him come pick you up.”
        Abigail rose and went to Selah. “You're not going to try to move him are you?” she asked.
        “We were talking about it,” Selah replied. “But I don't think that would be wise,” he said looking at Sadier who was still breathing rapidly following his out-lash.
        Quite some time passed and Sadier didn't seem to be simmering down. His black eyes were still wide and his breathing remained short and quick. Adrian's fortitude was tiring.
        Reuben decided to address Sadier. The senior was a big kid with a soft voice and a soft heart. He sat down in front of Sadier. Sadier and Reuben stared into each other's eyes for a moment and then Reuben said, “Do you know how special of a kid you must be to have the enemy target you like this? To use an Omicron on you, as an 8th grader? Do you realize what they see you in you? They're terrified to see what you will become. They don't want to have to fight you for 4 more years. You're reckless but you always want to do the right thing. You're tough as nails but compassionate. You're independent but loyal. We need you, Saider. We need you in the Alma. We need you in this school. Don't give up, Sadier. That's what they want. Because you're going to strike the gates of hell.”
        Sadier's breathing started to steady. Reuben and Selah left. Wendy and Ethan hadn't called their leader, but Selah gave them a ride back to the school. At the school everyone was talking about Sadier with concerned tones. Many wanted to visit and try to encourage him, but after Wendy, Selah demanded that he decide who would visit Sadier.
        It was noon. Abigail and Adrian chatted a little to keep in good spirits. Reuben brought them lunch with his teammate Valerie who was Abigail's best friend. Sadier didn't eat anything. Reuben and Valerie remained as hours past by. No one touched Sadier. Rarely did anyone look at him. They gave him space and hoped the cherry plant would fade before nightfall.
        About 5, a visitor came. It was Priscilla, the new recruit on Reuben's team. She approached slowly.
        “Did Selah ask you to come?” Abigail asked.
        She nodded yes. Then she got on her knees and started sliding towards Sadier very slowly.
        “What are you doing?” Adrian whispered.
        “Just let me,” she replied.
        She put a hand on Sadier's shoulder, and then hugged him. Everyone was stunned that he didn't even slightly react. She held him in her arms for a long time and the blackness in his eyes began to recede. It had taken Selah hours of searching, but he eventually determined that Priscilla would be able to do this.
        This was good because night crept closer, and no one knew what would happen if Sadier fell asleep. But now something seemed better. The five of them talked quietly and waited patiently hoping for the best. Around 8, as the sun set, Selah returned and talked through options with Adrian. Selah was motivated to move Sadier somewhere so that Adrian didn't have to stay the night with him out there. But Adrian was clear in expressing that he was very willing. Adrian said he thought that patience remained their best weapon even if it was through the night.
        So they did stay the night. No one left. 40 feet from the cliff where Adrian had tackled Sadier they made their bed. Some of them slept in vehicles for parts of the night. The night was more uneventful than expected. Sadier didn't sleep much. When he did Selah was waiting. He mostly locked down Sadier's dreams with an extremely powerful Gamma reaction. Still Alkador was able to seep just a bit at one point and unsettle Sadier significantly just before morning.
        When Sadier awoke his eyes were still his own, but he had clearly taken a turn for the worse. He was overcome by fear his body shaking slightly. He got up and made a mad dash at one point perhaps heading for the ledge but then hit the edge of the rope. Adrian planted himself and didn't let Sadier go any further.
        Following that, the second day was much like the first. People occasionally came to encourage Sadier.
        Over the course of the day Abigail asked him three times, “Are you ready to go home?” But Sadier didn't reply, so they kept waiting.
        Around 1, Sadier asked Abigail, “Where's my father? Why hasn't he come?”
        To this, Abigail didn't reply, and gestured so that no one else would reply either because she knew why Sadier's godfather hadn't come. As Sadier's team leader, Selah told her at the start of the year the secret of the mysterious man that was Sadier's godfather. She knew when he came he would tell Sadier the truth. It was a mind-blowing secret. A loving secret. But one he wanted to be sure Sadier was ready to handle. At some point he would come, but for now he kept his distance.
        It was 7 when he came. A rough looking truck bounced to a stop. A man hopped out and strode towards them. Sadier's godfather was a striking man with broad shoulders and a muscular build. He had a heavy beard and dark deep set eyes. Breathing rather heavy he came and stood looking down at Sadier.
        “Saymi's dead,” Sadier reported to him.
        “I know,” the man nodded.
        “You knew from the start what me and Saymi were doing,” Sadier guessed.
        “Yes,” his godfather replied. “Of course I did.”
        “How'd you know?” Sadier asked.
        “I'm good friends with Selah,” he replied.
        Sadier was shocked. “You know Selah?”
        “Yes, Sadier, I've known Selah since long before Waterfall Academy,” he replied.
        Sadier couldn't believe his ears, and suddenly felt betrayed. “Do you really work at the factory?” he asked.
        “Yes, of course I do,” his godfather replied. “During the day.”
        “And during the night?” Sadier asked.
        “I've been with you, watching over you,” the man replied.
        “What do you mean?” Sadier asked. “In the upperworld?”
        “I help as much as I can,” he replied.
        Sadier looked down at the ground trying to understand. Then he rose his head slowly and glared at his godfather. “You planned for us to be in the Alma. That's why you took us here when my parents died.” His words were probably angrier than he realized, “That's why we moved to the settlement. You wanted me and Saymi for the Alma. Aren't you even sad that she's dead?”
        “Yes, of course I am!” the man replied tears beginning in his dark eyes. “I tried so hard to save her, but I couldn't.”
        “Onnie!” Sadier exclaimed. “You're Onnie!” Sadier was stunned. He could barely take it. Onnie, the legendary warrior angel, the most formidable force in Selah's army, Selah's best friend and the man Sadier had called dad since he was three were one and the same. 
        “Is it common for angels to raise children?” Sadier asked.
        “No,” Onnie replied. “It's extremely uncommon. But there was no option. Now you know why I could never talk about where I was born or what it was like for me growing up. I was born on the surface of Anley. Selah and I were childhood friends. We fought in a war together. We died old and full of stories. He passed on just before me. When I passed I found him traveling the stars. We joined with several others and decided the surface of Switcey would be where we would take up the battle against the enemy who worked against the people there.
        I met your father there. He was awakened when he was young just like you and for years as he slept he worked with us to combat our opponent and steer dreamers. He was a reckless, passionate man but he had a tender spirit. We were getting in over our heads battling for a gathering that was falling apart, and one terrible night we couldn't protect him or your mother either. They were both struck within a few minutes of each other. Your mother passed quickly, but your father lingered for a moment. 'Don't keep them safe' were his final words to me.
        I knew what he meant. He was talking about you and Saymi. Sometimes he would say, 'life isn't a problem to be solved, but a game to be played.' He was a reckless man, but I never met anyone more alive.
        At the time, your parents were on a long trip in an effort to get closer to the opponent. So, you and Saymi didn't have anyone to care for you. There was no friend or relative who knew where you were or that your parents were gone. I had to do something. I decided to take you to your Aunt Terri who was well off and would gladly take you in. She would have said, 'an angel must have saved you,' and you would be her own. I started to take you there, but your father's last words were haunting me. I knew you and Saymi growing up with his sister would have been the last thing he wanted. It would have been an easy life.
        Selah had already decided to go to the settlement to take a stand against Alkador in response to Waterfall Academy, and I'd already decided to go with him. My only other option was to take you with me. I couldn't give you to anyone once we got there because they would wonder and trace you back to your Aunt. So I raised you.
        I put you in Kindergarten at Waterfall Academy. I could tell even before your parents died that you had stunning potential and Saymi too but especially you. I've waited so long for this year. I'm sad to see it end for Saymi, but I'm happy to see her go free. I'm so sorry, Sadier. I understand only now how you saw it coming a long time ago and were trying desperately to save her. It makes the pain worse. I know your heart is breaking. But I know in you there is a desire to keep fighting. To come back with fury and strike Alkador for Saymi and for everyone he's hurt and every heart he's wounded. He's trying to hide that desire from you, but you have to find it. You have to rise up from these ashes.”
        Sadier didn't react. He sat motionless, expressionless.
        Around 8, Selah began to grow nervous with night approaching yet again. Though it appeared that Sadier was slowly moving the right direction, from some investigating he began to perceive that if something wasn't done the coming night would be very unfavorable. So Selah decided to be reckless and explain to Sadier what was really going on.
        “From what Leti said when he cherry planted you, you've probably already figured out who you are,” Selah said to Sadier. “You're the student captain your senior year. That's if we can stay on this time line. And not only that, you have the potential to be a guide. A true guide like Joseph was. One who can take a friend by the hand and lead them out of a reaction, out of Alkador's grasp, and out of the grave. Against this Alkador has no power. And Alkador's stronghold has become weak especially with our victory this year. If you rise up you will be the puzzle piece we need to take the castle, establish our reign in this school, and send Alkador on the defensive. You can talk to those who dream, Sadier. They understand you. Do you know how valuable that is. No one has been able to do that since Joseph. Joseph saved dozens of lives, and gave us a fighting chance in this school. We've made the most of it and put Alkador on his heels. But we've been stalling for years waiting for the final blow. Waiting for another like Joseph. You will be the final blow. You can't do it alone. You will be part of a skilled team each and every year. And you will have to submit to authority for a long time. But eventually your time will come to lead, and you will lead us out of the this dark age. No more depression, no more bullying, no more suicide.
        Do you see why Alkador did this? He's already lost, but he's trying to alter the time line from 4 years in the future when you defeated him. He's using the one thing he has on you, your sister's death your first year. For it struck you hard, but you bounced back and struck him harder. He's trying to change the story. Do you realize it? This year didn't go like this the first time. You learned to love your sister like you never had in this year, but it wasn't a terrorizing experience. He's changed this year so that instead of caring for her, you've fretted over her. The Omicron kept us from seeing it, but he constructed a recursion for you in which he made you see gravestones and knew you would look into the names. From his perspective in the future he was able to tell you every individual who would die this year. And he mixed it all with an aggressive Gamma reaction that we were also not allowed to see. It never left you so that you would be sure to respond anxiously. In the end, it all summed up to a fear of losing Saymi, which he knew would indeed happen at the end of the year. It is not like you to fear, Sadier. The doctrine clicked for you fast and gave you a foundation of courage, your faith unshakable. But he's changed that and tried to make you something you're not.”
        Reuben jumped to his feet, and caught Selah as he went unconscious. Selah had started to sweat blood. To explain Alkador's attack on the time line he had to endure incredible pressure and risk greatly damaging his body in the lower dimension. Selah remained in the upperworld for over a month as he recovered below, all the while angels frantically trying to figure out how to cover up his absence with reactions.
        Reuben left to hide Selah's body in an upper chamber at the school. Sadier didn't react very much, but it was clear he was deep thought his mind perhaps finally moving outside Alkador's attack.
        The sun disappeared below the prairie. Abigail took a chance and hugged Sadier goodnight. He didn't get upset though. She figured there was a good chance it was the last time she would see him in this life.
        All slept except Adrian and Sadier who remained awake without saying a word. Adrian was exhausted. At about 11 Sadier whispered to Adrian, “Selah couldn't establish the Gamma could he?”
        Adrian shook his head no.
        “So if I fall asleep I'm dead,” Sadier said.
        Adrian nodded.
        “Are you going to try to keep me awake?” Sadier asked.
        “No,” Adrian replied. “Not this time. Your faith is back. I'm here for you whatever you want to do. If you want to stay awake I'll stay up with you. But if you want to fall asleep then I'll fall asleep too and I'll see you in the stars.”
        “I think I'll fall asleep now, Adrian,” Sadier said. He laid down in the grass. “Do you think Saymi is there,” he said looking up at the stars.
        “She's there,” Adrian replied. “Do you want to go to her?”
        “Yeah, I think so,” Sadier replied. “I think I'll fall asleep now, Adrian. Good night,” he said. “I'll see you again someday.”
        “Good night, Sadier,” Adrian replied. “See you again someday.”
        Abigail awoke just as the first ray of sunlight reached out. She was out of her truck in a half second her heart pounding. Through the darkness she spotted the outline of Sadier's body laying in the grass. She put her hand on her mouth and started crying. But as she walked closer she saw his arm move and realized he was still alive. They had stayed awake the whole night. Adrian said throughout the night Sadier would lay down and every time Adrian assumed it was over, but a few minutes later Sadier would sit back up.
        “I sure wish I wasn't here,” Sadier said when he saw Abigail.
        “Yeah, I know,” Abigail replied. She reached in her pocket and pulled out the key to Sadier's cuff that Selah had given to her. She unlocked his wrist from the restraint. He stood up and walked briskly to the ledge. He looked off for a moment and then turned around.
        “Are you going to stay with us?” Adrian asked still sitting.
        Sadier shrugged.
        “Well, it's good that you know because the cherry plant is still in you, and we can't keep you away from the upperworld forever.” Adrian said rising. “Come with me. Selah wants you.”
        “Where are we going?” Sadier asked.
        “To Galaxy Waterfall,” Adrian replied.
        Abigail hugged him again knowing that it could be the last time she would see him. Reuben, Valerie and Priscilla did the same. Sadier and Adrian climbed into one of the vehicles and headed north in the direction of the school, but they traveled beyond the school and halted at a brook.
        Adrian hopped out and walked to the brook. Sadier followed him curiously. The school was visible to the south. Woods curled around them to the north and east. The prairie was to the west.
        “This is Galaxy Waterfall?” Sadier asked looking at the transparent water sparkling through the brook.
        “It's a little bigger on the other side,” Adrian said humorously. “Are you ready for a nap?”
        “Aren't they going to kill me once I get there?” Sadier asked.
        “If you go into the waterfall it will buy you a few minutes,” Adrian replied. “Beyond that Selah has a plan to try to save you, but it's a bit of a Hail Mary.”
        “Well, let's do it,” Sadier said laying down. “Hopefully it won't work.”
        “I hear you, man,” Adrian replied.
        It felt amazing to finally relax. Sadier's soul was in the upperworld even before his body fell asleep. He jumped, startled to find the waterfall thundering about 15 feet in front of him. His feet were in the pool of water that gathered below the fall. But it wasn't water. It looked like darkness and starlight. It was like miles and miles of outer space were pouring over the ledge high above them and crashing at their feet.
        “You said inside the waterfall?” Sadier asked. “How do I go inside it?”
        “There's a cave behind it,” Adrian replied. “You'll find Selah there.”
        Sadier slowly walked towards the fall.
        “If I don't see you for many years then blessings to you,” Adrian said.
        “Blessings to you too,” Sadier said and then plunged into the fall.
        His senses were overloaded with powerful vibrations and echoing flashes, but then he moved beyond the fall into the cave behind and found himself quietly floating in the air. He realized that the gravity was very weak. The cave's walls were damp and on the floor were little pools of galaxy. Sadier couldn't see far ahead but he maneuvered down the long cave sometimes pushing off the ceiling and the walls.
        There was a fork in the cave, but one of the ways was a side pocket and that's where Sadier found Selah sitting on the ground. A strange vase was smoking in front of him.
        “I'm glad you're with us,” Selah said rising.
        Sadier shrugged. “Maybe if you can keep me here,” he said.
        “We'll give it a shot,” Selah answered. “I'm going to hide you.”
        “They won't find me here?” Sadier asked.
        “Yes, they'll find you here, but this isn't where I'm wanting to hide you.” Selah replied. “I'm going to hide you across the wall. It's the only place they won't find you.”
        “What do you mean?” Sadier asked a little shocked. “You're going to kill me?”
        “Yes, temporarily but then I'll bring you back. Or at least I'll try. It's the only way I can think to keep you from them,” Selah said. “And while you are there I'll try to extract the cherry plant from your soul here so that when you return you'll be free. You're going to see Saymi.”
        “But you told us never to interact with the those who have passed,” Sadier said.
        “But you will be passed too,” Selah replied. “Lay down right here. It won't hurt.”
        Sadier laid his back down on the damp ground. Selah put a hand on Sadier's chest. He picked up the smoking vase and said, “This will allow you to come back. Inhale it.” He held it close to Sadier's nose and Sadier breathed in the strange smoke.
        “You'll know when I'm trying to bring you back, but you'll have to choose to come to me. Hope to see you soon. Sweet travels, my friend,” Selah said.
        Selah's hand on Sadier's chest grew warm and then hot. Sadier clenched his teeth from the power of it. Then he started floating. He rose up ever so slowly and looked down at his body and at Selah. Selah looked up and gave him a wink. Sadier saw Selah waste no time in cutting open his soul to begin the task of carefully removing the cherry plant.
        He passed beyond the rock of the cave. He saw the waterfall and the castle. Then he traveled backwards through everything he had journeyed through with his team in the last year. He recognized the prairies and mountains and rivers. Then he went beyond where he had been. Beyond the atmosphere, and into strange places, strange colors, such dazzling landscapes, so bizarre, so inspiring.
        He forgot where he was and what he was doing and fell asleep in a thicket. He awoke very slowly a long time later and rose his back off the grass. He moved out of the thicket and crawled across the clovers to the bank of a pool. He put his hand in the water and drank from it. A large purple bird came swooping down and rested in a very small tree beside him. Light came through the trees making the water sparkle mysteriously.
        Sadier wasn't wearing anything, and neither was the one approaching him. It was Saymi stepping lightly through the trees towards him. She stood radiantly on the other side of the pool now a beaming smile on her face. Saymi giggled and ran to Sadier and hugged him. “You made it. You're here. We're here together,” she said.
        Sadier smiled so delighted to see her again. But then his expression dropped and he looked to the ground in sadness as he remembered where he was and what he was doing. “No, Saymi. I can't stay. I have to go back,” 
        “What do you mean?” Saymi frowned.
        “Selah sent me here to hide me from Alkador while he removes the cherry plant from my soul,” Sadier replied. “He will call me back.”
        “No, don't go,” Saymi replied. “I have places to show you, and people you should know.”
        “Perhaps, I guess,” Sadier smiled. “I could stay perhaps.”
        “And wait till night falls,” Saymi said. “It becomes beautiful here in the city.” She showed him a wound that was healing on her arm.
        “A place to call home,” Sadier said.
        “Come, I will show you a new,” Saymi said smiling.
        He rose and walked with her through the trees and the thickets. Sadier saw amazing things, but he wouldn't tell me more than this.
        “I'm so glad it all ended like this,” Saymi said.
        Sadier's head again dropped in sadness.
        “Why are you sad?” she asked grabbing his hand.
        “I'm the student captain my senior year,” Sadier replied.
        “Not anymore,” Saymi replied grinning.
        “They're hurting,” Sadier said. “Their hearts are breaking. They need me in their dreams. The school needs me to be a warrior.”
        A tear came to Saymi's eye. “But you just got here,” she said. “Don't leave me.”
        Tears ran down Sadier's cheeks. “I can't begin this life by running from the last,” he said.
        “Well, go then,” Saymi said sadly. “Go and win.”
        A tornado began ripping through the trees towards them. Selah was calling Sadier back.
        “I'm not going to do it,” Sadier said. “They won't blame me for staying. I'm staying with you, Saymi. I've given everything I have.”
        “No you haven't,” Saymi replied. “You have to go.”
        The tornado was ripping and churning nearer to Sadier.
        “I'll miss you,” Sadier said. “I love you.”        “I love you,” Saymi replied. “It won't be heaven till you're here.”
        Sadier let go of her hand, and backed into the tornado tears exploding from his face. He shot down through the atmosphere to the surface from the warmth back into the cold. From the light back into the dark. From the freedom back into the pain. He sat up and put his head in his hands and cried loudly his wails echoing through Galaxy Waterfall's cave.
        Selah put his hand on Sadier's shoulder and said, “I wouldn't have blamed you a bit, my friend. Thank you. You're a champion.”
        Sadier pounded his fists into the dirt and rose bracing his heart as depression assaulted him. He floated with Selah down the hall of the cave.
        “How can I live here after being there?” Sadier asked.
        “It will fuel you,” Selah replied.
        Sadier broke out of the waterfall into the open air and found Adrian sitting by the bank.
        “I'm sorry, bro,” Adrian said.
        “It's time for war,” Sadier replied.
        Sadier and Adrian awoke from the upperworld, and went inside the school. Most of the Alma was gathered there beyond hidden doorways. They were very happy and relieved to see him alive and back to himself. Their affection was refreshing to him. Valerie made a delicious meal. Sadier was very very hungry.
        Looking back on it I feel bad for doing this because I didn't understand what Sadier was going through, but I went up to him and asked him what he saw across the wall. He was a good sport, and told me he would be willing to tell me sometime. One day we met and that's where we started, but he kept going back and told me the whole story and I wrote it down and comprised the book you are reading.
        “Sadier, Riley and Ada have been struggling with Naomi for the past couple of nights,” Reuben said setting down an empty bowl of soup. “She's in the 5th grade. I'm sure you know of her. She has a Sigma reaction on her. She's been crying herself to sleep telling herself that she's not attractive. Tonight is going to be a big battle. We could definitely use you.”
        “Of course,” Sadier replied.
        The sun set and night came. Onnie and Sadier drove home. There was a demon in the house when they arrived, but he escaped through a window and ran away.
        The moon was big and round that night, and so were his big brown eyes reflecting in the bathroom mirror as he brushed his teeth.
        He and his angel godfather clasped hands in the hallway on their way to bed.
        “Thank you for not leaving,” Onnie said.
        “Let's go for the kill,” Sadier replied.
        “One day at a time,” Onnie said. “Ever y one counts. Only so many. “See you in minute,” Sadier said departing for his bedroom. Sadier closed the door and turned off the light. He set the alarm on his phone for 6:39, and plugged it into its charger. He rearranged his pillow and pulled back the covers. He tucked himself in and closed his eyes.
        Then after just a moments Sadier fell asleep.

        Saymi slowly opened her eyes. Her heart began pounding anxiously. She lay on a brick street by a brick house. The dim yellow glow of the streetlights shown through the warm misty rain. Saymi felt a tingle in her left arm, and lifted it to exam it. She felt faint as she saw blood mixed with rain running down. She wondered if her leg was broken too from how it felt. She felt hardly any pain, but she was deeply frightened and began to cry. She looked on her wrist hoping to radio for help, but her radio was gone. Someone had destroyed it.
        That's when she noticed the shadow of a figure sitting against the house across the street.
        “Hi Saymi,” he said. “Do you remember me?”
        “No,” she replied.
        “I think you do,” he replied. “I'm Cain. We met last night. This isn't what you expected is it?”
        “I bet he's coming,” Saymi said.
        “Who's coming,” he replied.
        “Seth, I bet he's coming to rescue me,” Saymi said.
        “I guess we'll see,” Cain replied.
        In the cold, in the dark, in the rain, in the night, her rescuer crept closer.....